• 5 last-minute DIY Mother's Day gifts

5 last-minute DIY Mother's Day gifts

Your mother is, of course, the sweetest of all, so it is very thoughtful to give her a present on Mother's Day. And what is more fun than a self-made gift? With the inspiration below, some leftover material and a bit of creativity, you can make something unique in no time. So get to work, and then you can do whatever you like. 🙂

Heart of wood

Gather all the leftover wood from the shed and try to form a heart with wood a heart  Screw all the planks together to create a robust and sturdy heart. Attach a large rope to it so that your mother can hang it in the garden or on the door. If that is not love!

Mum in miniature

Make small dolls. from small pieces of leftover wood, branches, caps, rope, screws and with some paint. Try to recreate your mother or, even more fun, your whole family! Maybe the dolls will get a prominent place in the house! So don't make them too big, but make sure they are no more than 10 cm. The result? One happy family!

Cutting board

Cut a large piece of wood into a rectangular or round shape with a handle attached. Drill a hole in the end of the handle through which a piece of string can pass. Or use a piece of an old belt to make a leather handle. Sand the cutting board well, so that all splinters disappear. Clean the board well before wrapping it up for the festive season.

Family photo gallery

Can you find a long piece of wood somewhere in the shed with a diameter of about 3-5 cm? Cut a slit in it with a handsaw and sand it lightly so that your mum can put some nice photos or cards next to each other. The longer the board, the more photos it will hold. All those lovely memories in a row!

Wooden wrapping paper

Do you want to wrap your gift in a festive way as well? Tie string around a block of wood and dip the whole thing in the paint. Press it on a white or coloured sheet of A3 paper and a pattern will appear. You can use the paper to wrap your homemade gifts in a unique way.

Or you can attach a narrow wooden batten to the top and bottom and use a stapler to staple the paper in between. Attach a wire to the top slat so that it can be hung like a work of art. Want to bet that your mother will be impressed?

Cutting wood to size

Are you well prepared for Mother's Day next year? Let us cut the material for your project to the millimetre. That will save you half the trouble!

See our full range of wood and board material here.